Tuesday, March 29, 2016

No good deed...

Hey Family and Friends,

This week went very well. We are working hard to reach our goals and it looks to me like we are on the right track to getting them. We have several people getting ready to make covenants with God and they will all will be baptized this next month. Matias, Osmar, Alex and Vivian are all progressing very nicely and also all went to church yesterday so Elder Starks and I will be seeing some baptisms here soon.

Along with all of the good progress we have also had a lot of really good food. Being Semana Santa, Everyone cooks tons of food and they invite us to eat it with them. One day we had a double lunch and it just about killed my companion eating so much food. 

We also had a lesson with the nicest chiken you have ever met. hahah youll see in the fotos below.

Honestly other than that there is not a whole lot going on. Oh the weather has been great. and we also had the chance to go and do service for a member family in our area. We dug a whole so that they could bury their trash. jajaj but we hit a water line while doing it. So what was supposed to be a 30 minute project turned into a 2 hour project. jajaja just my luck.

Well thats it for this week. Have a good one.

Love Elder Petersen

Monday, March 21, 2016

Marcelo got his mission call!

To all of those who still careFamily and Friends,

To all of those who still care, 

Im just Kitten! Im pretty sure(64%) you guys still care about good old Elder Petersen. jajaja

This week was pretty normal for me! I've only got about 9 weeks left in the mission and that means that I have seen pretty much everything that Paraguay has to offer. Therefore this letter will be a short one. Sorry.

This week we had the opportunity to go out and teach tons of people. If you don't think that is cool than you probably don't want to become a missionary. jaja because that is what we do. 

I am currently reading in 3 Nephi when Christ comes to the Americas. Maybe one of the most powerful sections in the entire Book Of Mormon. If you havn't read it lately, i would strongly recommend it.

Probably one of the coolest things that happened this week was one of my Convets got his mission call to Argentina Rosario Mission. I wasnt there to see him open it up but he called me and put me on speaker phone so i could here the whole thing. It was so cool. One of the best experiences of my mission thus far.

Well, thats about it for this week Family and Friends. I hope you all have a great week. Read your Scriptures Please.

Love Elder Petersen

Mi converso Marcelo

Elder Toledo, Jeffrey, Marcelo and Elder Johnson

New Trainee

Hey Family and Friends,

This week has been a little weird. Jaja I received changes, Elder Pickering and I are not together anymore but we are both still in Piquete Cue. We spit the area. Elder Pickering is with Elder Johnson in one half of Piquete Cue and Me and my new son, Elder Starks, are in the other half. 

So now you know.. . . Im Training. Unfortunately he doesn't speak a lick of Spanish and neither one of us know the area. So I am white washing and training, its going to be interesting. I don't have a whole lot of time to write this time but i took some pictures. 

I love you all so much! have a great week!!

Elder Petersen

Monday, March 7, 2016

Disappointments and Miracles

Family and Friends,

   Well, if that's not the weirdest title i don't what it. hahaha  I remember when i was just starting out in the mission i felt like i was never going to finish my training but now im only a training's length away from home.  Im so nervous but so excited. 

   This week for me was great but sad at the same time. Mariela, our golden investigator finally went to church yesterday but didn't like it. To be honest, that it the first time i have ever had an investigator go to church and not like it. She explained why and it makes sense. She didn't really like that all of the people that got up to bare their testimonies said the same exact things. I can see how that wouldn't be the most entertaining thing in the world. 
She also said it was partially her children were running around all over the place. She left a little bit early from church and that made me wonder what went wrong. So we went over to her house after church to see went wrong and that it what she told us. At the beginning of the lesson she told us that she probably wasn't going to go back to church. After a lot of testifying and personal experiences she told us that she will give it another shot this next Sunday. That lesson was definitely led by the spirit.

   We also received a reference for a less active family called La Familia MiƱo. They are so dope! they have 5 little kids and two of them have physical problems. Some of the cutest kids in the world. We talked to them once and the father of the family seemed to be really rude at first but we cracked his shell wide open and he broke down. He told us that he had been having problems with his work. We felt that we should talk about the basic things like reading and praying as well as having your family home evenings. He asked me how i knew that they weren't doing those things. I told him straight up that usually the people that are doing these things are happier and better off in their families. He looked me in the eye and i honestly thought that he was going to kick me out of his house but he just started crying and told me that that is exactly what they were lacking. Once again, another lesson led by the Spirit. 

Yesterday at church we were waiting outside for some investigators to come and they walked around the corner, all seven of them in their white shirts and dark pants. It was soo great to see them come to church.

   On a more interesting note, I had a drunk guy come up to me and ask me if i had any money. I told him no and that i didn't have any money. hahaha  Now, that's not the interesting part because that happens on a weekly basis, but he then started to tear up and hand me money. hahaha he told me it wasn't much but that he wanted me to have it.  I have never had anyone offer me their money before. haha

   Other than that it was a pretty normal week. We climbed a water tower, taught tons of lessons, saw some disappointing things but as well witnessed miracles. Overall, it was a great week.

   Changes are this next week so ill probably have a new companion the next time i write you all. But ill let you next time.

   I love you all and i hope you have a wonderful week!! 

Love Elder Petersen


Lino (recently reactivated), My companion and I
A beautiful Paraguayan Sunset